We are raising money to purchase more properties in Northern Nicaragua. If you would like to give towards these projects, please click the green "Click Here To Give" button above and designate your gift to "Property Purchases".

Let Us know you prayed for us!

Or send us a prayer request. We'll pray for you!

Nothing is more encouraging than knowing you have a prayer warrior on your side! If you've prayed for us, please let us know by filling out the form below. Also, feel free to share a prayer request, or praise with us!

Partner With Us:​

Send Your Donation To:

BBFI Missions Office

P.O. Box 191

Springfield, Missouri 65801

(Please put Max Kennedy in the

memo of your check)​

If you would like to join our monthly support team, CLICK HERE to set up recurring monthly support through the BBFI Missions Office.          

-Thank You!

Please read our current Newsletter

and keep us in your prayers!